My Journey with Hawaii’s Food Banks: A Personal Reflectio

My name is Patty Kahanamoku-Teruya, and as someone deeply rooted in the spirit and community of Hawaii, I’ve dedicated myself to tackling one of our most pressing issues—food insecurity. It’s a challenge that often goes unnoticed amid our state’s picturesque landscapes and thriving tourism. Yet, it is a reality that too many of our friends and neighbors face every day.

Understanding the Challenge

My journey with Hawaii’s food banks began when I first realized how many of our residents struggle daily with access to sufficient and nutritious food. The high cost of living and our dependency on imported goods make basic groceries unaffordable for many families. This reality hit hard, and I knew I had to act.
Mobilizing Support and Resources
I started by partnering with local food banks, engaging in the collection, sorting, and distribution of food. These banks are crucial as they bridge the gap between surplus food supplies and those in need. My role involved organizing volunteer teams, coordinating with local supermarkets, farms, and community leaders to ensure a steady flow of both perishable and non-perishable food items.

Initiatives I’ve Supported

Emergency Food Assistance: We organized numerous food distribution events, providing immediate relief to those in urgent need. Witnessing the gratitude of families receiving their food packages has been one of the most heartwarming experiences in my life.
Senior Nutrition Programs: Our kupuna (elders) hold a special place in our communities. We tailored programs to ensure they receive meals that not only feed them but also cater to their specific health needs.
Child Nutrition Initiatives: No child should ever go hungry. We initiated programs like school-based pantries and backpack programs that ensure children have the necessary nutrients to learn and grow healthy.
Agricultural Collaborations: I am passionate about sustainability and supporting our local farmers. By partnering with them, we managed to redirect surplus produce to our food banks, reducing waste and providing fresh options for our food bank patrons.

The Impact: More Than Just Food

Through this work, I’ve learned that the impact of food banks extends far beyond just feeding the hungry. They foster community solidarity and promote sustainable practices that benefit all of us. Every can of food donated, every hour of volunteer work, adds up to a significant change.

How You Can Help

I encourage you to join me in this cause. Whether by donating, volunteering your time, or advocating for food security, your involvement is crucial. Together, we can ensure that no one in Hawaii has to worry about their next meal.

Looking Ahead

Every day, I am inspired by the strength and aloha spirit of our communities. As I continue my work with the Hawaii Food Bank and campaign for a position with the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, my commitment to serving our community only grows stronger. We have made great strides, but there is still much to do. I am here, ready to lead, support, and advocate for a Hawaii where everyone has access to the food they need.
Mahalo for your support and for joining me in this important mission.
Warmest aloha,

Patty Kahanamoku-Teruya